As one who has been called by the pre-destination of a Godly inheritance to fulfill the purpose of giving Glory to the One who called us, it is by this privilege and honor that I walk out the ox-plowing anointing of the Apostle. A call of destiny


(www.taskministries.org [or] www.TASKMI.org) offers a site of ministry plethora for leaders, students, believers by - utilizing its tools to teach, train and equip (FLTC).

Newly TASK Apostolic Hubs are being established in five state locations to provide apostolic leadership equipping and training for you and your ministry! If you are interested in becoming an FLTC student or instructor at one fo the Apostolic Hubs, simply complete the form for the Hub nearest you.

Anointed and gifted as an Apostle and Teacher, Apostle Paula welcomes the opportunity for event speaking invitations and virtual/in-person leadership. A contact form is provided.

Aborted Destinies, Apostle’s newly published book, will be available soon! Be sure to order your copy or arrange for a book-signing event!

Kingdom Inspirations, LLC, an e-commerce greeting card ministry invites you to shop for all occasion fivefold ascension greeting cards. Choose from single boxes of 12 or your choice of a “Ready-Box.” Watch for new card additions.

T.A.S.K Ministries International is here for you!